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The provided information is based on published scientific articles.
Disease profiles are expert-authored and peer-reviewed texts. These general texts may not apply to specific cases, due to the extensive variability of disease expression.
Some information may look shocking.
It is of the utmost importance to check if the provided information is relevant or not to a specific case.

Information in Phenotip is updated on a regular basis.
It may happen that new discoveries are made in between updates and do not yet appear in the presented data.
Professionals are always encouraged to consult the most recent publications before making any decisions based on the information provided.

Phenotip aims to provide support in the process of diagnosing pre-natal syndromes to healthcare professionals.
Information in Phenotip is not intended to replace professional health care.

Phenotip cannot be held responsible for harmful, truncated or erroneous use of any information found in the Phenotip database.